A Fool with a Microphone

Ron Whitehead
2 min readFeb 16, 2021
Photo by Heorhii Heorhiichuk from Pexels

Sadly, our country has learned to celebrate fools. We see them celebrated in Washington, in Hollywood, on Wall Street, and as leaders of major corporations. Fools with money, power, or position are given the microphone, and the assumption is that they must be wise because they have the microphone. There are several verses in Proverbs 26 that speak about a fool and how they should and shouldn’t be treated. A true fool is one who lives as if there is no Sovereign God watching over them, and who refuses to live their lives based upon His moral absolutes.

“Like snow in summer and rain at harvest, honor is inappropriate for a fool.” — Proverbs 26:1

Sadly, our country has learned to revere fools and treat them with honor. While there is not much that we can do to change this obsession that our nation has with celebrity status, each of us can personally pause to notice and thank someone in our lives who is rarely noticed, yet who has made the world a better place by living with moral absolutes under the watchful eye of their Creator, and who has sought to instill their wisdom into the lives of others. They will never be celebrated publicly and they will never be given the microphone, but you can celebrate them privately. Send them a note thanking them for making your world a little brighter. It will make their day. Then you go do the same for others. Live your life with wisdom, impart that into others, and be grateful that God is smiling at you in your secret corner of the world.

