Good News for Those Who Are Bankrupt

Ron Whitehead
1 min readJan 3, 2021


In Romans 3, God makes it very clear that inherently, there is none that doeth good. We are all sinners by nature. Yes, we are all sinners by choice as well, but even if we could somehow go through life without choosing to sin, we would still have a problem. We all inherit our sinful nature from our seminal father, Adam. Because of that we are spiritually bankrupt and there is nothing that we can do to change that fact. The good news is that God became a man to die in our place, and if we, by faith, accept His payment as the sufficient substitute for our sin, He will render us righteous in His sight. He will not only give us a little spiritual blessing; He will make us a child of God. We go from being bankrupt to a prince.

